How the Internet Works

By: Lilly Pugno and Deanna Oei


Internet- A design philosophy for a network of networks providing information using communication protocols.

Network- A group or system of interconnected people or things.

Internet Protocol (IP)- A set of rules that fromats data sent over the internet.

IP Address- A computers address that is unique to each network and consists of a group of numbers.

Domain Name- Network's particular address that identifies it to a specific domain.

Domain Name System- System that takes domain names and connects them to an IP address.

DSL/Cable- Copper wire that uses electricity to send bits of data around the world, mode of transmission.

Fiber-Optic Cable- Mode of transmission, uses wire and glass fragments that reflect light to send bits of data.

WiFi- Uses radio signals to send bits of data wirelessly to a cable.

Packet- Contains small bits of information including its origin and destination address, travels through routers.

Router- Device that transports packets of information along networks.

Reliability- Having a backup system for networks, more router increase reliabilit

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